Technology for Achieving Anything You Want

Can you imagine finding out that we all have incredible technologies available to us, to achieve anything we want but because it is widely misunderstood it is vastly underused by the majority?  It has potential to be, with practice, the most powerful skill you could ever possess in crafting a life that excites and inspires you. The only limitation really is your imagination and what you believe is possible (or not possible) for you.I am a newbie on the matter of neuroplasticity and changing neural pathways but I am getting familiar with ‘the science behind this’. For now, I am excited to be applying the principles to myself and sharing it with others. If you are intrigued to learn how we get in our own way, read on.

Although it is common for ‘tools of the trade’ to be neither interesting nor relevant to the end user, this time I think it just might be. Obviously, in the case of a broken-down vehicle on the side of the road, the customer couldn’t care less about the fancy tools and most recent technology the mechanic uses that will get them back on the road and driving home again. Similarly, most customers don’t care about the details of the planes/transport that can get them to their destination- they just want to arrive as quickly as possible. The result/ the destination is usually your priority and main concern.

What if, there was new technology available that could get you the results you want quicker? A tool that makes a usually arduous and tedious journey into a brief and pain-free experience? Wouldn’t you want to try it? Isn’t it worth the risk, even if it is fairly new and less well known compared to other traditional mainstream options?  Wouldn’t it be lovely to be pleasantly surprised about simple solutions to complex problems?

I stumbled across this new technology myself at the end of last year in my research on the relationship between mind and body. Former professor from Stanford University Medical School and research scientist Dr Bruce Lipton, author of ‘The Biology of Belief’, made some ground-breaking experiments when he was a cellular biologist. He proved that we are not controlled by our genes and DNA, instead it is the environment and our perceptions that controls genes and behaviour.

Bruce Lipton and The Biology of Belief full lecture

This pioneering research broke popular acceptance of the so-called ‘fact’ that DNA controls life i.e. that all your physical, behavioural and emotional traits are programmed in your DNA. Another term for it is genetic determinism, the belief that your genes control and determine the character of your life (which often makes people perceive themselves as victims of their heredity). Instead, ‘Epigenetics‘ is the study of heritable changes in gene function that do not involve changes in the DNA sequence. In Dr Lipton’s words, your life is NOT limited to the genes you were born with, it is your PERCEPTIONS that matter the most. We are more powerful than our genes.


  1. Perception controls behaviour
  2. Perception controls genes
  3. Belief and perception ‘rewrites’ genes
  4. Belief and perception rewrites behaviour

“We see the world not as it is, but as we are” 

said Steven Covey, author of best-selling book ‘Seven Habits of Highly Successful People’. Beliefs are our filters of reality. People, places and experiences are ‘translated’ by the lenses of our beliefs. If we perceive something to be negative, we create a stress response in the body which shuts off our immune system and mobilizes our adrenal glands. Our cells go into protection mode. In contrast, when we perceive something to be positive, our cells go into growth mode and our immunity is boosted. The cells in our bodies are either in a GROWTH (and reproduction) state or in a state of PROTECTION. Life has everything in it, it is our filters however that interfere with our perception. There are two ends of the same continuum:


 (growth mode) LOVE_____________  FEAR (protection mode/stress response)


Our power as a human has been diminished by inappropriate and/or outdated filters.

According to Lipton, the job of our subconscious is to create reality from our subconscious programming. Although the conscious mind is creative and can generate free will, we predominantly operate from beliefs that were ‘trained’ into us between the ages of 0 and 7. So every day, you are running programmes that you may not want but that you adopted from other people, regardless of whether they are relevant and appropriate for you now.

This is why the use of will-power is usually futile in our attempts to break bad habits. It requires the will of the conscious mind, which is operating on a 40bit processor to outwit and outlast the subconscious mind which is operating from a 40million bit processor. Which do you think will win?

According to Lipton, 95% or more of our mind is controlled by subconscious beliefs.  This means that most of our decisions, actions, emotions and behaviour depend on brain activity that goes beyond our conscious awareness. For example, if you were told as a child “You don’t deserve this, you don’t deserve that”, you will self-sabotage as an adult to make sure that you don’t deserve. Our lives are an expression of a programme we have been given or adopted (trauma providing very strong and rigid beliefs).

And if that isn’t difficult enough to override, the subconscious mind is like a recording device of experiences. When you push the button, it plays the experience back. So, when someone is ‘pushing your buttons’ they are quite literally inviting back an experience you didn’t like from your history and you are experiencing it as if you were that helpless/powerless child again. Regardless of what you want to achieve for yourself as a conscious adult, your life can only mirror the beliefs you hold to be true about any situation from the subconscious. Reprograming our minds is the way forward, it is the new technology available for us all.

 Our beliefs determine our biological and behavioural reality. You can rewrite the software of your mind. You can change the printout of your reality/ experience.

So, if beliefs determine our biological and behavioural reality, its helpful to notice and explore the inventory of our beliefs. Take a look at what your life currently demonstrates to be true. Any area of your life in which you are thriving and taking strides forward at a pace you are happy with indicates healthy beliefs. Conversely, any area of your life that you seem to get stuck or are repeating the same negative pattern/ cycle is an indication of an outdated belief. Quite often we have internal conflict between our conscious mind and subconscious mind. You might want and enjoy financial abundance but if you were brought up in a home that trained you into believing ‘money is the root of all evil’ or that ‘it is easier to travel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven’, it is highly unlikely you will create wealth in your life. There is too much conflict between your subconscious mind’s beliefs and your conscious mind’s desires.

How do we change it?

It is easier to change habits of thought and behaviour if you access the subconscious mind because it is the store-house for attitudes, values and beliefs. Most people are familiar with hypnosis when it comes to changing subconscious beliefs but there are other modalities that are equally powerful.

This new science of shifting mindsets is called Energy Psychology and it is founded on a whole new field of science:

From Mathematics to fractal mathematics,

From Newtonian physics (everything is matter) to quantum physics (everything is energy waves)

From Chemistry to electro chemistry,

From Psychology to energy psychology.

The modality that I have been trained in and that Dr Bruce Lipton advises to be the most effective and efficient way of re-wiring neural pathways is PSYCH-K.

Facilitators of PSYCH-K work with their partners/clients to neutralize or balance outdated, limiting beliefs by balancing communication between both hemispheres of the brain in the cerebral cortex. This reduces resistance to change in the subconscious mind. From this ‘whole brain state’ we embed new supportive and aligned beliefs that will stop you from repeating the negative cycle.

Founder of PSYCH-K Robert M. Williams, M.A explains how this modality differs from other energy psychology approaches in this chapter of his book The Missing Piece Peace In Your Life.  The Differences That Make a Difference. (

If you would like to experience energy psychology and get out of your own way, make contact with me and we will plan either a clarity call or live/virtual session.

This is a game changer. You will want to try it out for yourself.