Growing nowhere?

Today I am talking about ‘personal growth’, well Kirsty Wilkins the author of this article for Balanced Life Magazine is doing the talking and I am contributing toward the conversation. For some, personal growth is a ridiculous concept because we are growing all the time – aren’t we? For others, it is a crucial part of personal mastery and the journey to becoming the best-version-of-themselves.

Some advice from a good gardener I know:

Minimize the time you spend and maximise the time you invest. Treat your Self and your life as a garden and your focus as the garden hose. What you focus on is watered and grows. What you ignore dries and dies. Sow. Nurture. Reap.

Growing is hard work. And, if you, like me want your time on this earth to be a meaningful and pleasurable experience, then personal growth is the path to become an inspired work-in-progress and worth the effort. Read and grow somewhere.